Chapter 2

Thirty-five years ago, I washed ashore on Cape Cod. Things were different from where I grew up. Here, pop was soda. Iced coffee was on every menu and coffee, Jello? Who had ever heard of that?

I was newly married, and despite the cream puffs, cookies, cakes, and lasagna, I knew nothing about cooking day in and day out - every single night.

I also knew nothing about gardening.

My father in law took me under his wing and taught me all about vegetable gardening. Before I knew it, he had vegetable beds built in my backyard with fresh dirt and compost. Even the children were planting bean seeds.

The vegetable quickly produced beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and more. Now I had to figure out how to use this bounty before it rotted.

I went in search of ways to enjoy cucumbers other than in my salad.

What to do with zucchini that the children don’t even like?

And what do you do with Brussel sprouts?

Here is where I created and altered recipes to can, bake, and cook my vegetables into family favorites.

From my Cape Cod Garden, Enjoy!

Joyce Kaye